Everlasting Summer, touching of the fourth wall [re-review]

Everlasting Summer, the re-review

By NekoTheLazyGamer

This was indeed a first time experience for me on steam and one of which I enjoyed. I do stand by it being a worthwhile game. I might want to add that I stand by my favoritism for this visual novel. I took advantage of the game being free to play, and little real consideration for storage space, but I stand by that as still as well. Likewise, I a lot of updates took place since I finished and reviewed the game. Too, some of the content had been augmented aside from its original more than the protagonist’s sudden blindness.

Much of my review focused a lot on owning steam in order to play it, and I would like to step away from that. Hopefully you caught onto how I show a preference to well-written story-based video games, but you will notice a preference in cat girls as well. That’s not really going to change. I would love that deck of cards. Now to answer my subtitle, “the touching of the fourth wall”. This was a favorable incorporation which I didn’t feel I addressed in my steam review. The fourth wall refers to an imaginary boundary between the pseudo-reality of a story often used as a metaphor for the real world, and the real world itself. Movies and video games alike have broken this fourth wall by make obligatory references to full acknowledgement of their own existence as fiction within their own world. Space balls used this for comedic effect by presenting in movie marketing and merchandising for the movie within the movie. Doing so breaks the fourth wall, thereby breaks the illusion that the world exists as a separate entity. Yet, the game never refers to itself as a game. The game refers to a separate self that has gone through cycle after cycle trying different actions to achieve different outcomes yet keep going back. This double of yourself presents the question of if he’s in fact you after being played over and over again. Since the game presences the consequences of functions you do within the game such as replaying to try for new outcomes, yet makes no direct reference or any acknowledgement to that element of the game or the realm as a game itself.

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