In-person Review: Seyton t

Okay, So I received a rather strange request from a friend of mine. She, admitted seeing few of my reviews due to lack of recognition of any of my listed films, asked me to review her. If you wonder whether or not we are a couple, then I assure you any potential notion after receiving the wraith of my critique style commonly reserved toward films would make that highly unlikely. I’m not such a kindred spirit toward films. So let’s dive into this turkey with a forced measure so to be addressing the said subject. (I had to make this thanksgivings-y somehow.)

Dear Seyton t,

I mean little harm when I say this, but you are quite a product of your time. However much of your interests and mannerisms actively try to hide this, yet further analysis of these show that they are no different than what everyone of the current day listen to or watch. Let me first destroy the myth that you are somehow brought up to be metal or goth in any matter of the words. Though, you have expressed that you fall more so within the Emo category, which has long been the euphemism for goth-wanna-be. Fruit for thought, Lamb of God, Five Finger Death Punch, Arkona, Samael, Slayer and Rob Zombie are far from obscure toward real metal fans. Arkona might fit more within a Viking Metal fan base admittedly, yet at least one of these groups should strike a cord.

A founding basis of what makes metal metal is that it follows a ravage rhythm filled with aggressive or disgusted emotions which rage out to try grasping purpose in something. This often means attempts of diving into the mindset of anti-socials, sociopaths, psychopaths and the schizolotypal. Often times the style could easily be referred as an expression of raw virility. Now, Hollywood Undead does not count as Metal. I don’t know why the fuck one could even shove them into the same category, but they’re nothing more than a rap group playing dress up in hoes that audiences will confuse them for Slipknot. Yeah… … not happening, Hollywood Undead. Now, Bullet for my Valentine make some good sounds, but lets face it, they’re a metal equivalent to a boy band. I find your selection of music seems to adhere to this reoccurring theme, as well as trying to sound like Lincoln Park.

Little secret here, most of the long time metal fans hat the hell out of this group and the syle it brought into the mix. Likewise, the whole clean cut of the musicians is a dead give away, it’s like calling Paramore or Skillet a metal group. There should be nothing domestic about Metal musicians. They go, conquer, rinse and repeat. We are not who makes ourselves outcasts, rather others have made outcasts of us. This also marks the whole satan thing you have going on. Never have I met someone who’s so into placing satanic symbols wherever without so much as any knowledge of what those symbols mean or ever so much as listening to Black Metal. Seriously? You could never find out what Samael, Agathodaimon or Satyricon were. Hmm, I wonder what an individual who plays as thought one falls into a said culture or subculture and yet know nothing about or actually thinks to learn anything abou ta seaid culture and by extention insults that culture by pertaining you are a true member of that culture or subculture? Oh, wait, that’s a weeaboo!

Okay, a weeaboo is used by Japanese and Japanese media fans to refer to people that follow the aforementioned context with Japanese culture as the culture. However the term is lucid with which culture it can mean so long as it pertains that the culture or subculture which does not truely pertain to oneself. Case and point, the term weeabu in Japan has also been used to address Japanese citizens who have insisted that they are American or British yet refuse to actually study or understand the cultures and insist that they already possess all that they need to know about the said cultures. This had been brought up to a YouTuber called the Animeman who made a video trying to coin the term reverse-weeaboo for this set of people. If you actually have an interest in satanism, then actually learn something about the religion, otherwise you are only insulting the religion. Though for all I know, that could be your intention.

I think I find no trouble in saying you’re not goth. My Little Pony is anything but goth, and I hate that Titan Go decided to make Raven a brony. Maybe that’s the sort of thing you’d expect from an emo, but I find it fits The Catcher and The Rye’s meaning of the word pony, in that your expression and self portrayal is false to how you are or mean to say. Does a line like “Friendship is magic” sound like something you’d expect a goth would say, Hell fucking no! I’d expect something like “we all live and die the same”  or “the best we can hope for in life is to become a faded memory so not to burden others without so much as the privilege of comforting them”. None of which are truly intended to sound depressing, solely analytical of life where little unquestionable truths exists to assure much. My top examples of early goths would include German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and American Poet Edger Alan Poe.

Most of this could be assessed as portraying yourself with the likeness of social outcasts without any true indication of being a social outcast. The evidence of how unlikely that you have ever acheived that sort of isolation or alienation peaks through the common mannerisms of a 2000s kid or 3rd millennium. The list starts as following extremism in either obligatorly over-correcting to maintain as PC as humanly possible only to defeat the purpose of what it means to be PC, or one who might ask “why the fuck do you want me to be more Personal Computer?” In this case, you fulfill the later, convinced that whatever word there is is ripe for disposal without any regard toward context because “obviously everyone should get that you don’t mean it, ever”. Really, none of the extremes are any better than another, but a nuance of political correctness will not hurt you. It’s a matter of respect.

The Second would be the forever kid stereotype, which kind of makes sense since most 3rd millenniums are genuinely children for the most part, and is nothing new when we think of the 80’s toys ‘r us kids who brought forth a whole generation of man-children currently dominating a large portion of the United States right as we speak. An exaggeration, yes. However still a common feat of 3rd millenniums clinging onto children films and series which they have clearly outgrown such as My Little Pony, Power Rangers and many more. Don’t get me wrong, the 90’s responsibly for the whole Pokemon cult fan base and I’m in no way proud of that. However, I could at least argue that that makes up still such a minority of my age group and often divided on whether or not it was the tv show, video games or the card games that were worthwhile. Of course for what ever reason, the 3rd millennium mindset is so dead set on trying to dash colors everywhere to the point I don’t even know if the same generation could take real emotions showing through visual mediums.

Before I start on the Third item, I feel I must address. I don’t actually hate 3rd millenniums or at least no more than I hate any other generation. Hell, so many hated my 90s generation for visual medias and other contribution to cgi to the extent that almost no one could tell you what a Beta Max ever was or the monstrosity of two-sided DVDs. Oh, the nightmares of fucking up a DVD’s imprinted data simply trying to carefully insert without smudge either end, or never being able to tell which end was what. This last portion more of a positive and yet a negative of the 3rd millenniums. The 90s was really bad about virgin shaming. I mean really bad. It shows up in children films such as Hocus Pocus. Yeah, that bad. Though, Virgin shaming still hasn’t gone away, it just knew not to touch children films anymore, just rated R American Comedies that parents would make their kids watch anyways. Thus has start my most hated genre of film, contemporary rated R American movie comedies which sits just near feel-nothing children movies and musicals. Due to this, most 3rd millenniums are accepting of sexuality (mostly) with the luxury of movements making major pushes for such acceptance. However, the nature of acceptance is still close minded in itself often proof that such individuals have grown up to just accept it. Now, this does apply to all 3rd millenniums, but most would still see sexuality as a description of behavior rather than anything else and would know far more about what sort of sexual practices they could do than what the hell sexuality even is. That’s modern day sex ed for you I guess. This is also followed with the common misconception that sex is somehow a need or true definition of love.

To bring this whole thing to a closing. You really can’t accurately critically review a person. A character maybe, but a person is more than what you can see of them. Like I highlighted before, the fact that you’re quite a product of your time does not make you a bad person, or any more annoying than if you were from any other generation. Too, most of those assessments are merely generalizations and really unfair to really judge an entire generation by, especially since most of these qualities and still be said about people who grew up in the 80s. Hell, most of the 3rd millennia is the 80s happening all over again with more technology. I think the fact that the Republicans have nominated yet another tv celebrity speaks for itself. I find it hard to really compare interests with you, because we clearly fall upon entirely different spectrum of entertainment. I could judge the whole fulfillment of a weeaboo all I would like but I very much doubt you truly mean any insult by it. You come off a more of a fun-loving individual which would explain why so few of your interests in media really leans toward plain escapism with no real harshness of tone, or made to be taken the least bit seriously. I mean really, Scary Kids Scarring Kids? There’s not a word of that artists’ name that I could take seriously. It plays so little to the imagination. It’s like if I called Living Sacrifice Jesus on a Cross being Sacrificed for Our Sins. The Later title comes off as long winded and far too descriptive which destroys the epicness that a title like Living Sacrifice could bring. Now, if you would excuse me, I was told that my friend would look over the review that I just typed about her, and although she promised not to hit me for reviewing her, I doubt that anything that I have said would not warrant some wariness of saw blades. In my experiences she’s not acted out violently, so I could easily be wrong.