100th post milestone

Now for the one reader who has been pushing me to do another post for days now. IT THANKSGIVING AND ONCE MY TIME IS HIJACKED BY MY FAMILY, I CAN’T DO MUCH ABOUT THAT. So please, be happy with at least once a week posts. I don’t exactly shit this stuff out, and I do deal with stress thriving for a 3.0 GPA average. I cannot blame my family for everything. In truth, I’ve been planning a few special projects, and hoped to get those out soon after my milestone post. In full honestly, I would not think I could get so many in less than a year. Granted a small portion of them are to hold videos from YouTube and only 11 of my posts are strictly horror reviews.

Coming this week, if I finish soon enough, you can expect a comical short story in honor of the milestone achievement. The longer that I have been working on it, the longer it seems to go. Aside from what’s needed, I do not want much more continuity errors. I have also been wanting to do more video game related content after months of not so much as touching a visual novel. I am happy to say that a chapter 03 of Skyrim Phails is on its way. A project that I have seriously wanted to tackle in a while has been doing a let’s play video series on Everlasting Summer like so long ago promised. I sort of have the tech for it. I do take recommendations on movies. A little note, if it’s a horror film, I actually post those to Black Trident Media first now. I would like to bring people to my site, but I know I’m more incline to be paid through Black Trident Media more my work. I have all the rights to what I post on there and have been considering doing a periodic rotation to bring the work from that site onto mine. The set up thus far is:

Dec 31

March 31

June 30

September 30

rinse and repeat.

After talking some with Ian Mann, the producer for Ginger Kitty Manifesto. I have decided that he should not link my YouTube channel or WordPress site with his videos. Something I feel like I should have thought about before siting their videos. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing against me linking the videos on their site. Though, you will most likely notice one thing about their channel, and that’s they really can’t say shit. A lot of times members are asked to avoid saying certain words or touching on subjects that they might be uncomfortable bringing up to their parents. Which means, they no longer can bring up porn, morbid sense of humor, or really much on sexuality. Sexuality is not a subject that I touch too often, but I cannot work within such a restricting parameter. I am no one to have my work censored if it also happens to disagree with political ideologies of the major group. While I’m on their set, I can work with those parameters, but my site and channel are mine to command.

I have also thought about making a far more user friendly menu for people to use. So construction for that is currently underway. If I miss anything, too bad. I’m mostly surprised that I couldn’t managed to finish the third season of X-Files yet with only two more disks to go. Oh, I have been wanting to do reviews of YouTube videos which you’ll be able to see a lot more of since most of that constitutes as my main source of entertainment. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while. However, I really don’t know if I would be able to do a video review of them, so why not just do a typed version. Too, I’ve mostly wanted to go over various Machinima series to begin with. Now if you have any recommendations that you’d like to see a series on you can contact me through the comments section. Though, I could be wrong about those existing. Otherwise, there’s my Google +, Tumblr, Twitter, and Path which I believe are connected to my site right now. So you can also follow my content on those sites. If you actually want to be sure that I see your comments, I would recommend trying to get a hold of me through Google + since I use that quite a bit more often. Thanks for all the viewership.

X-Files Season 3 Episodes 13-16

Syzygy: I really don’t know where to start with this episode, except to point out the EXTREMELY weak beginning with the worst acting I’ve seen in any video. Not to forget an onslaught of in film Jargon that I can only imagine that The Cult is suppose just that or a serial killer. If ever I felt that the word Hooky would apply, but this episode fills that. I’m not going to lie, I have a certain bitter taste toward Dramatic Irony and that’s exactly the main theme of this film. No, just one of Mulder’s theories or Scully’s religious awakenings. The suspects or more accurately the perpetrators are given away from the very start while Mulder and Scully are still meant to figure it out. Oh, Two blonds that want to see with a football player can save them, since the “cult” happen to be looking for blond virgins. I never thought that I would see a case where two girls have got to keep it in their pant, but there it is. It’s not like they’ve been caught. Oh, no. No in for questioning for this or that, just them do whatever killing people and everything while the town goes nuts. I plays more like a Sabrina the Teenage Witch had a cross-over with X-Files. This is just a hard one to actually get into over all. I rank this episode 0.25 out of 5.

Grotesque: A really good step up from the last episode. At first, it started to look like it might be taking a similar vibe. Just a fair warning there’s an overactor alert. Other than that, it’s mostly a story about a deranged artist whose obsession with gargoyles drove a possession to mutilate and mold clay over victims. The act of taking up his art seems to bare a strange overtaking of one’s character, and I feel good about leaving it there. I would highly recommend this episode. I rank it 4.0 out of 5.0.

Piper Maru & Apocrypha: Yep, it’s another two parter, so I’m not even going to waste the time in separating these two episodes. I’m going to review the two of them as if they were one episode. The first starts with a French crew that finds a sunken American vassal in order to savage atomic materials from it. However, it seems that things don’t quite work in their favor. I’m calling it. There’s black sticky stuff involved, this is demon possession. Like straight out of Supernatural. That’s the vibe the first one gave me anyways. While Skinner seems to have his own little thing going on revolving the investigation of Agent Scully’s sister’s death. Okay, I guess it’s not demons. It’s done too well to be a religious themed X-Files episode. Instead it’s some form of extraterrestrial with a serious cause of Body Snatchers. The black goo? Turns out to be some kind of diesel that works as a vassal for this mystery lifeform. Feels kind of scientology to me right now. Thus the board of wealthy white man seems to undergo a breach. I really hope they finally take the time to explain what exactly this conspiracy is about. They can’t all be Nazis, could they? Anyways, Melissa Scully’s killer does turn up. I’ll hold onto the details of that for myself. Now how should I rank this? The start felt all kinds of rough being that it got sliced into two storylines from the very start. But the flow of the two episodes worked more in sync with one another than their last two episodes project. In fact a lot better. Not to forget the acting is all there. If I had to ask someone to watch any of these episodes it’s a safe bet that they would be better off actually watching both of them since without the last half or the beginning half you could easily be lost. Maybe that’s not entirely true for the second half, but I digress. I rank this set of episodes 4.0 out of 5.0.

Suicide Room (2011)

This is a rather strange request of a review that I recently received. This would not be the first foreign film I’ve reviewed, in fact my first review is of a foreign film called the Boss of It All. This film Suicide Room, aka Sala samobójców, is in great contrast from my experience from The Boss of it All.

The subject matter is fairly obvious from the title alone, and as slow as the pacing in this film is, it definitely took a rather mature look into suicide. Though the whole internet immersion aspect is more modern. Likewise, I somewhat expected this film to take a similar approach to other films where so much as a mention of a book suddenly means that the rest of the movie is centered on that book or taking quotes from that book. However, the mention of Hamlet served more of background to sell the point that the main character Dominik is from a prestigious family who expects nothing by brilliance from Dominik. At first, I was wondering what the film summary meant by “After suffering extreme humiliation at school”, because I could not see anything that would suggest that in the beginning. In all fairness, I have seen few films that would actually work up to the humiliation. Why do foreign films seem to get that it helps more to actually get to know the character before a said event which changes them better than American films? Though, most foreign films would probably never make it to American audiences without having proven themselves first.

So what’s this “extreme humiliation”? Gay shaming. That pretty much captures the whole issue. Okay, not really, but Gay shaming seems to be such a common theme of kids who are bullied in American films. Plus, call me an ignorant American all you want, but you just don’t expect so much of this from France. Especially given they’re considered one of the most LGBT friendly countries. My sources will be listed below, and yes, I took a lot at wikipedia first. Though, this McDonalds commercial might suggest that there’s still quite some room for confusion. I have a link below, yet I’m not so sold on how “real” it really is. Since there’s another version with a very similar tone, yet ends off with a line like “come as you are”. I’ll have that one linked with my other resources.

French McDonald’s Commercial

So most times than not, the gay shaming in most films are usually centered on superficial traits that really don’t have anything to do with any form of sexuality at all. Strangely enough, this one takes a similar approach to KickAss where the basis of the assumption is more about an interaction forced onto the character or at least believed to be. In KissAss’s case it was the apposed mugging that involved the removal of his clothing, and in Dominik’s case it involved a strange judo position that just involved questionable frontal grinding until Dominik had been brought to cum. Then the same kid who brought him to cum in the judo practice commence to cyberbully him. If you’re thinking to yourself, why is the kid who’s harassing him so immune to it, but Dominik is the center of a shit storm of targeted messages. So, excuse me if I’m not completely sold on the character Dominik despite his clearly confusing display with kissing a statue is gay. Though I don’t know that the film ever intended to say that anyways. Especially considering that the ending hows that he clearly has at least romantic attraction toward a female character. What, did the film just want to play that just didn’t meet the right one card? Or is it that the character jumped to it as a release of tension from who he use to call friends insisting that he is. Sure he kissed a guy in order to see two girls kiss, while drinking with that said group of friends.

I’m not even going to be the one to say that if this was a movie clearly intended for gays, or focused on a gay character it’s clearly not for me. The demographics of those who reported being gay or lesbian might be only 1.6 % within the United States, they do deserve a media that actually tries to reach out to them. It’s pretty much expected of me to say that I’m not interested in seeing a movie that’s focused on a gay couple. Hell, most of the time, I don’t even care for films featuring hetero- sexual romances. (I’m sure that I could get to that at some other time.)  I don’t really think that this population is necessarily under-represented right now, but I really don’t think they could do with continual complaining about whenever their sexuality happens to be represented in a film. Though, either Dominik is actually unaddressed as falling into a different category in terms of spectrums or so forth, the character is genuinely confused himself and frustrated to the point of acting out, or this is clearly one of those “meet the right one” stories.

But what about the actual “suicide room”? Well, I would say that it’s an interesting concept, but it’s really not. If anything, it serves more as an interpretive internet interaction with new found friends who are set to kill themselves for the injustices within their lives. The concept of the Suicide Room makes about as much sense as the chat room. It visualizes for use in a game like atmosphere. Apparently this game like atmosphere is actually expected to be much like an actual online video game, but I don’t even know if there is a signal one out there that allows nearly as many functions as this game allows, much less absolutely free to play. Though, the world works like I said as a plot point in looking at the feelings of Dominik as he’s trying to make sense of the crashing down world around himself struggling to find purpose in so much as the smallest things and investing all of that into online friend who support him in a time of psychological torment. Outside, Dominik is clearly acting out toward parents who are only expect results out of him despite his mental and physiological well-being, and partly so that they could use him to maintain status. Though it’s clear that his friends intend to only manipulate him to their own end, but by doing so, have been forced to face their actions in driving him to commit suicide himself.

I personally didn’t care for his film, but it’s far from a horrible film. I appreciate the effort involved in presenting a character driven to escapism of the internet due to the feeling of reality turning against him. Not much of this relates to me. Honestly, I’m finding the one lesson that I can learn from this is that putting a review off for two days of a movie that I really don’t care to watch again is not such a great idea when topped with consuming much of other media content and drinking Double English Ale. If there’s one thing to be taken from this. I’m not drinking Double English Ale or any variant of which ever again in my life. As promised, I have the links just below.

Wikipedia LGBT rights in France

Most gay friendly countries

McDonald’s “come as you are” Commercial

Wikipedia orientation demographics


Highlander The Source (2007)

The final of a long lived collection of movies and tv series starting in the late 80’s. The Highlander The Source the music video, I mean, The Highlander The Source the early 2000s superhero movie. Wait a minute, that’s not quite right either. However, watching the movie for myself made that too difficult to tell. I honestly thought that I would have far better to say about a movie that I personally enjoyed for so for the sake that it was laughable. Though at that time I was a young teen.

There’s so much wrong with this movie for the sake that none of the characters are actually developed any further than generalizations, the locations despite apparently being in possibly the modern world if not an apocalyptic setting of that said world is never revealed, wholes segments of the movie would break off into a music video that I’m surprised to not see anyone with a mic, the villain is an example of why Voldo from Soul Calibur will never get a movie about him, The Highlander is most definitely not the Highlander, and the basis of the movie hardly matches up with the rest of the series or even tries or leads toward the resolution in a respect full manner.

More about the villain, think about any character that likes to take anything you say sexually or otherwise perverse. Maybe you just have a friend who’s like that. In that case I am personally sorry for you. I remember laughing at the Guardian because of how strange the very way he talks sounded and the silly over the top gesture, but I begin to remember that that’s just how being a teenage is like. You find just about anything about sex humorous than it just starts to feel overused I guess. Now you can get on me about watching a rated R film at too young of an age for it, but I think a movie that would clearly serve teens yet is rated R is more of a let down. Though I have it on good authority that I would not be the only teen who just shrug at an R rating like it’s nothing. Plus we all know it’s only rated R so that the protagonist could have his mandatory sex scene with his new female companion. Something that I’m sure we would sorely miss if they happen to make one movie that goes without.There is an interesting twist with the Guardian that I will go into later.

First off, I know this is the 2000s, but not every male protagonist needs to be rocking the buzz cut. Could you image if Thor suddenly decided he needed a really short hair cut. Plus, if this is a matter of the protagonist modernizing with the civilization, then why wouldn’t he have done before? Likewise, his character changes severely from any of the Highlander movies for this. Where MacLeod had been caring and often sentimental toward his lost loved ones. Though the fact that talking about his long dead wife somehow lead to a sex scene in the first movie, I could be wrong about that.

The story insists that it’s about life rather than death, which is kind of a major contrast toward the past Highlander films where each resolution involved him breaking away from a peaceful life into a violent resolution of a problem. Though not once until the end does this plot device come up without sounding like his ex-wife is dissing him for not being able to reproduce. Oh, did I forget to mention that. Yeah, this time his past wife is still alive enough to have that she broke up with him because the strange downfall that Immortals are sterile. Though she’s somehow the way toward the path.

So alas we hit the resolution or at least the final portion of the film. In everyone movie past, “There can be only one.” has become a very popular phrase first express by a sociopathic immortal set on killing other Immortals so to absorb their life force without much explanation why. Personally my first thought would be that this is merely the ravings of a homicidal maniac justifying his killing sprees with a nonsensical slogan, however movies following up to that have insisted that, although varying as to what being only one actually means, “there can be only one” is commonly accepted by Immortals. This film attaches a whole different meaning to that than you must kill everyone else onto meaning to be the one to enter the source of the immortality to begin with and somehow become mortal by doing so. This begs so many questions when the Immortal somehow become more mortal and weak as they approach the source of their Immortality, yet regain it when within close proximity of that same source, then to lose all of it by entering the source depending on who it accepts. Now the Guardian is actually the last one who actually became the last remaining Immortal who manage to kill the Guardian. The twist is that killing is not the solution. How the hell do we get to that when every other time killing had been the solution when the protagonist’s hand has been forced. Plus there’s nothing to point at this version of Highlander would feel so merciful, and is just the “want nothing to do with it, yet goes along with it anyways” trope. Ultimately, nobody forced his hand to truly choose. I really feel like this movie could have sparred us the exposition dump at the end of this movie by make the character choices actually make sense in relation to this resolution.

Why am I in such a bad movie mood lately? I honestly hoped for the best of this film and yet it sucked. I’m not satisfied with solely say that this movie did poorly by not delivering so well on what could actually make this an interesting movie. I say that the reviser is the culprit here. Yeah, I could blame the writer, but this is clearly a first edit of an idea that only needed a good looking over to improve the quality greatly. I somehow doubt that the writer never thought to bring this movie script up to someone to look over thinking that this would be the best script ever. Though, I could be wrong and the writer acted overly protective against any form of criticism. However, I feel that whoever had been asked to revise felt too scared of hurting the writer’s feelings about saying anything negative about the script and just gave the thumbs up insisting that there’s nothing wrong with it. I see this done with Creative Writing majors as well. A little word of advise to take from this. Go to some one who will actually criticize you and give constructive pointers. If all they say is that it’s all shit or have absolutely no interest in what you are writing than you have the wrong kind of reviser. Likewise wrong if the reviser only ever gives you thumbs up on everything you write. I know it can be hard to find someone who actually breaks out the red/blue ink, but damnit, it needs to be done, and this film is the pinnacle of that need.

X-Files Season 3 Episodes 9-12

Nesei: This episode started out with the most fake shooting that I’ve ever seen. Give it some time, I’ll probably see more. But apparently it’s good enough for Mulder to buy by some film company called Rat Tail Productions. If you’re talking about secret military footage that’s supposed to be real, a name like Rat Tail really isn’t the best way to go. Well, seeing how the producer was found dead leading to a foot race through a neighborhood. I would say Mulder might have been onto something. Though, I also think that Mulder was a little quick to draw his gun. Guess what, the Asian man doesn’t speak English so well. Fortunately for the guy, he has Japanese diplomatic immunity. However, his suitcase doesn’t seem to be protected from Mulder’s snooping finding satellite images of American ships. Mulder’s personal think tank gets another crack at it. I also feel that I must note that they’re very sparing with subtitles. At first, when Scully found a group of women that stated that she was “One of us” that were fellow abductees, I thought that this was going to be one of those dual plot stories. I hate it when they do that, usually because it may develop the characters in a way that a normal plot line might not, it also steals away from the main plot focus for the video. I was happy to see that the two were connected as the episode turns into a hunt for human-alien hybrid. I rank this episode 3.5 out of 5.

731: Welcome to the Han Disease Research facility, I guess. Why would a bunch of American troops invade on a bunch of sick people? Am I looking at ghouls and Martians? ET exterminations, I guess. Now, we are finally back to the train. When will we get to how the two are even related? Well that one will take a while. However, the chip found in Scully’s neck receives some answers more or less. It uploads information in a way, everything that goes on in Scully’s head so long as it stayed in place is going to somewhere to be read. Hopefully it’s not for a YouTube twitch channel. Now that would be embarrassing. Once Scully uncovers what I was left to believe were ghouls, the truth is that they are actually a leprosy colony. Meanwhile on the train, Mulder manages to convince a small family that a slit throat is somehow motion sickness. I still wonder how that worked, or even if that did work. It’s even funnier to see that the guy going around slitting throats with a wire cord happens to be an NSA agent. Apparently the scientist has been exposing people to “terrible things”. That’s an exact quote. That’s the disease that Scully is told that a pile of a bunch of dead baldies suffer from and what the scientist from the train has been exposing people to. I think X Files must have hit a tough budget seeing how the explosive device the NSA agent warned Mulder about looks like fluorescent lighting. I rank this episode 4 out of 5.

Revelations: Yep, this is yet another religious themed episode. I don’t know what it is about the writers of X Files, but they seem to always make the worst episodes when it comes to religion. We start off with a display in a church where a man proceeds to bleed through his hands right in front of a live audience. Are they going to just watch him bleed himself like that? This is right in a church too. I wouldn’t think church regulars to not think to say anything about that. Well, the display seems to take some unwanted attention by a man who steam strangles him… Yeah. I don’t know if that’s just a natural think that happens when he touches people or something since that’s never explored. As the episode goes on, that sudden bleeding syndrome seems to spread to a child in a grade using division. I think that’s third grade when they teach that. I don’t remember, it’s been far too long. Somehow, the father knows of the killings in relation to Armageddon. He’s a medium I guess. They have those in the Bible as well as four head angels and sentient rotating wheels. Serious look it up. No worries as a bald man with a face that’s not winning any beauty pageants anything soon takes the kid under his custody. I took one look at the guy and figured to myself that I feel like they used Jargas before, but I cannot remember from where. I also don’t think they used him as the same character either. I cannot possibly overstate how bad the blinding backlight is in a lot of the segments. Mostly the film is of an old man chasing a kid around. That’s really about it. I also cannot help but to address how it seems that Scully protects faith, but Mulder nays it every time. Why is the guy that constantly places his faith in the existence of ETs downing faith relations every time? Is it just so that Scully can see how it feels when she tells him that he cannot be right? Now for the most obnoxious part of the episode. The objective for the old guy is to kill the kid. No specific time and no specific way, so why wait. The old man captured him and waited to kill him telling him about how he’s going to do it. Is this just hubris? This is a shit episode. I don’t know where X Files gets off and doing poorly to portray religion and religious themes altogether, but more importantly, why do they keep trying? Do they actually want to do it, or is this just a way to please a specific sponsor or Christian group. I rank this episode 0.25 out of 5.

War Of The Coprophages: Cockroaches. That’s what this episode is about. Ok, killer cockroaches. It starts out with an exterminator giving a client quite a show with holding one up to give a detailed description on the whole species. I’m still stuck on why someone would hold one up like that. Don’t those thing walk on feces and stuff. I don’t discount that someone might do something like that seeing how I’ve seen my father transfer his beta into a new tank with his bare hands. I’m going to go ahead and say it. This one is pretty much a joke episode. It’s a good joke episode, but the fact that it’s so funny to watch is where most of the enjoyment comes from this episode. You know it’s bad when an exterminator is killed by the cockroaches that the client paid you to kill. That’s embarrassing. Turns out, the whole town has been undergoing mortal cockroach attacks. After finding that one of the cockroaches seems to have a metal shell, Mulder practices his favorite pastime, trespassing, where he might have met his match in the ufology department.  Even to the point that he flat out tells Scully “not now” when she tried calling. I probably forgot to mention, more most of Mulder’s investigation, Scully has been calling him non-stop. I starts to make one wonder how Mulder could keep it going. They really play the couple thing little too much in this episode. It is a relief when Scully finally decided that she wanted to go see the whole thing for herself. Bambi, the cockroach expert that caught Mulder’s attention, reveals that the bugs might be bionic sending Mulder to yet another expert. The other expert is rather interest. It seems that his expertise is in robotics with an interest in cockroaches. Normally I wouldn’t think that biology would intrigue many engineers, except bio-engineers of course. The townspeople turn into an absolute mess over the killer roaches as not enough “DIE BUG DIE”s could be sold off the shelfs. Some of them get really bad. You know it’s really bad when someone asks “How am I sure that you aren’t one of them?” I don’t blame Mulder for giving the guy a funny look for that question. In the end, Mulder loses his Bambi to the robotics professor. I rank this episode 4.75 out of 5.

November 2015 Update- GKM invasion

Okay, I probably should have typed this sucker out sooner seeing how I do actually have followers. You know what, I’m just going to call you Subscribers, the whole follower thing sounds too much like I’m a religious leader trying to preach the word of whatever ideology or belief. Although I do heavily advocate for religious freedom for all religions including my personally following of the Wild Hunt. I think it’s safe to say that those currently subscribing to me would see me as a spiritual or religious leader of any sort. Now onto the subject of GKM or Ginger Kitty Manifesto. I feel that I ought to make the disclaimer that they do not represent all of my personal views and the “invasion” is no way a means of force.

I simply felt that it would be an ironic half-right term to use similar to the use of Follower instead of Subscriber. I do recently work with GKM on the storm, and I believe I’ve covered the sort on my last update. As of late, the same group has tried keeping up a WordPress for themselves, but the site became mess up, and I thought of asking Ian Mann about embedding the videos onto my own site dedicated toward Horror Reviews as well as Reviews in general and many miscellaneous materials. Seeing how they even went for the paid plan it really sucks. The idea occurred to me that I could embed videos and even apply some content relevant toward the YouTube group, since my site would be in the descriptions of the upcoming videos anyways. This way it makes a little more sense. I hate having posted yet another update so close to my last update, but I guess a minimum of 20 posts within that time frame is still a good record. For those who would like to look over all my past updates, I have that all categorized in the about section for ease of access. At some point I will need to just publish a descriptions panel for all of my long going projects to expect on my site.